The Oct. 4 article Falling on less hard times addressed the dramatic increase in pornography addiction, particularly in males college-aged and older, and I feel obligated to weigh in.
Since I began my life as a Tar Heel, I have met someone who actively struggles with balancing his day-to-day activities with watching pornography. This friend of mine — let’s call him “James” — was apparently a porn addict before he started college. James is open with me and his friends about his condition, but his openness is often awkward or even antisocial; he often asks people (even his roommate) to leave his room so that he can feed his addiction.
Porn addiction hasn’t only taken a toll on his social life, though. On more than one occasion, James has come to me with worries regarding his physiological well-being and the way frequent masturbation affects him. He feels unmotivated and complacent about pursuing real-life romance, and even believes that he may need to see a doctor. Concerned, my friends and I found a website that helps people like James.
It’s important people with addictions know they’re not alone, and I hope James’ story can help someone else. There are other sites like the one we found that can help; you just have to be willing.
Sam Gray ’17