With Veteran’s Day right around the corner, I would like to share some thoughts on ways in which one can give back to our nation’s veterans. In my time here at UNC it seems that the only effort made by the university to recognize those who have served in America’s armed forces is to designate one home football game annually as “Military Appreciation Day.” On this day, at halftime, UNC ROTC cadets are brought onto the field, their names announced, and we all cheer. The applause given to these cadets, who have never served a day in our armed forces, is the only recognition veterans receive at UNC.
As a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, it sickens me to think of the many veteran UNC alumni and students standing to applaud ROTC cadets while the university profits off of the sale of Military Appreciation Day T-shirts and memorabilia. So, if you would like to give back and recognize a veteran this Veteran’s Day, take the time to say “thanks” to a veteran you know, give a few dollars or a sandwich to a homeless veteran on Franklin Street or contribute to organizations such as the VFW, DAV, IAVA, Wounded Warrior Project or Team Rubicon.
Many take for granted the freedom our nation enjoys and the sacrifices of those who have volunteered to protect it. While this university makes almost no attempt to recognize these sacrifices, the students of this university can make an impact in a veteran’s life. With more than 200,000 homeless veterans on any given night in America, there is ample opportunity to do something more for veterans in the Chapel Hill community than simply applauding cadets at an annual football game.
Matt Cheek ’14
Asian studies