*A bad break up*
The University has recently sent Greg Little, Marvin Austin and Robert Quinn letters of permenant dissociation. The three are now barred from entering Kenan Stadium. The University has also reportedly blocked them on Facebook, posted lengthy statuses and song lyrics about them and cut their faces out of all photos.
The basketball team came out on top of the Louisville Cardinals on Saturday. After calling Kennedy Meeks, “one of the worst players on the planet” in the wake of the game against Richmond University, Roy Williams allegedy recanted by promising to actually start calling him Kennedy rather than “Meeks Mill.”
*Dangerously cheesy*
Doctors have recently begun seeing a trend in children being brought to them for eating too many Flamin’ Hot Crunchy Cheetos. Overindulgance of the snack causes a change in the pH value of the stomach lining. It also causes a change in the level of the children’s epic World of Warcraft characters.