The State Board of Education would do well to hold off on adopting a new standardized testing system until the future and effectiveness of the relatively new Common Core system is clearer.
The board has decided to push back a decision on the start date of this new national test, called SMARTER Balanced, until March. Members are leaning towards keeping the current state-written tests for at least two years, but that might not be enough.
The current testing system, which is state-written but mirrors the Common Core standards, was put in place last spring, expected to merely serve as a transition into the SMARTER Balanced system.
Common Core has been adapted by 45 states so far, but has fallen under significant national scrutiny of late, leading numerous states to reevaluate their allegiance to the new standards and even pass legislation to put further implementation on hold.
Waiting to decide on the new testing system would give board members time to see the relatively new assessments tested in other states, which would give them more insight as to which path to choose for North Carolina.
The current tests have led to a significant drop in proficiency levels across the state, which is largely suspected to be a result of teachers and students adjusting to the new, loftier standards. Shifting to another new system so soon could lead to continued significant upheaval in schools, which would put teachers and students at a disadvantage.
While being on the cutting edge of education and standardized testing is essential to the success of North Carolina’s students, the benefits of leading the charge in new tests pale in comparison to those of extensive research and time to sit back and measure the effectiveness of prospective new tests.