Molded by a dynasty of solar energy entrepreneurs, UNC sophomore Alexander Wilhelm has ventured beyond U.S. borders to increase access to solar with his own nonprofit corporation.
“Putting solar energy into developing countries is a hobby now,” Wilhelm said. “Creating the nonprofit aspect of it just makes it legit.”
Wilhelm, recently admitted to the Kenan-Flagler Business School, said his parents, Markus and Cathy, served as role models and educators after they started their own real estate company for green homes in Chapel Hill before turning it into Strata Solar LLC in 2008.
Wilhelm’s interest in renewable energy, coupled with his passion for helping underprivileged communities, influenced his decision to create United Solar Initiative Inc. USI Inc. aims to positively impact communities in the United States and abroad by providing the tools necessary to have a sustainable source of electricity.
He said he is currently networking to gain sponsorships so he can hire a paid full-time staff.
Wilhelm interned with his parents’ company one summer and gained experience in the field of finance.
“He saw us when we were only five employees,” Cathy Wilhelm said about her son working at Strata Solar. “He saw the growth and knew what it took to make (his nonprofit) work.”
USI Inc.’s solar energy systems provide lighting, water-pumping capabilities and other general electrical needs for underprivileged communities.
Kenya and Nicaragua are two prospective areas Wilhelm has chosen to focus on. In these countries, his nonprofit will target schools, hospitals and girls’ shelters.