One of the only positives that emerged after the cancellation of the Duke game was the work of both the Carolina Athletic Association and the Athletic Department to ensure that students who had already been waiting would be looked after.
This should not, however, allow the Athletic Department to overlook how it deals with tickets for the rescheduled game.
The department made a wise decision to let students line up in the Koury Natatorium, out of the frigid temperatures and snow.
Even more importantly, the department promised students — some who had been waiting up to seven hours — that they would honor their spots in line.
Students in the riser line had their numbered wristbands stapled to their tickets, ensuring their place in line. Whereas students in the regular phase one line just had their tickets stacked in order, without any other numbering technique, meaning one false move could mess up the correct line order.
It is imperative that the department begins communicating with students immediately to make sure everyone is on the same page when they arrive.
Attempting to line up hundreds of students in order could be a nightmare. For the regular phase one line, the Athletic Department would be wise to give students proof of their spots in line and notify them through email prior to Thursday. The department could also explore assigning the best seats to those with the best line positions.
Though the 400 students in the riser line will have to be arranged in their proper order on the scene, eliminating the hassle of lining up regular phase one ticket holders might help.
Students will be cheering the loudest, and the department should do its best to ensure there is no further disappointment for the students who have already demonstrated their loyalty.