Since 1984, TED has created a platform for individuals to share their ideas during conferences happening all over the world.
Rooted in the mission of TED, TEDxUNC will hold its third annual conference in February 2014.
We are excited to announce the speaker and performer lineup for TEDxUNC 2014.
Speakers were selected by the TEDxUNC Organizing Committee with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary topics, communication and speaking skills, local talent, and creativity.
From Jerry Linenger — an American astronaut to Lee Weisert — a subacquatic sound musician, TEDxUNC invites the UNC, Chapel Hill and Carrboro communities to Take Flight at the third annual TEDxUNC Conference.
TEDxUNC is an independently organized TED event based out of UNC – Chapel Hill and organized by students. The theme for TEDxUNC 2014 is “Taking Flight.”
The event will be held in Memorial Hall on Saturday, Feb. 15 with two separate sessions running from 12 pm — 2 pm and 3:30 pm — 6 pm, respectively, with a break/exhibition in between.
Additional information about TEDxUNC, including the full list of speakers, can be found on the event website (, Facebook Page (, or our Twitter Page (@TEDxUNC).
Chenxi “Chex” Yu ’14
Cameron Kneib ’14
Julia Ramos ’14
Co-Curators, TEDxUNC