Last week, numerous residents of Hinton James Residence Hall and other dormitories received “eviction notice” flyers under their doors.
I received an email through Hinton James clarifying that the Department of Housing and Residential Education did not authorize the eviction notices, and that no residents are being evicted.
As a student living in Hinton James, I was appalled at this inappropriate tactic by the student group Students for Justice In Palestine. In addition to blatantly violating Community Housing Standards, the eviction notices caused confusion and alarm among resident students and advisers alike. Moreover, they were intrusive — a violation of our personal space — and antagonizing.
As a UNC student, I feel this display was not concordant with the “Carolina Way,” and that there are more appropriate ways to address the complicated issues SJP attempted to showcase.
I understand the complexity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues properly in a forum fit for UNC students. This aggressive tactic disappoints me; I would hope to have direct, face-to-face, intelligent discussions with fellow UNC students in a manner befitting our University’s ideals.
Rachel Schwab ’17