*A poor trait*
Monday, someone commited the most deadly of sins and “replied all” to a senior portrait listserv. More than 40 emails from people who don’t understand unsubscribe links later, everyone seemed about to lose their minds. Thankfully, it ended, and we were reminded how insignificant some of our problems are.
As this week comes to a close, so starts one of the greatest traditions of college — spending spring break some place warm, drinking your body weight in a local beer that hopefully isn’t made of what it sounds like and absorbing enough sun to give a dozen lizard people skin cancer.
Earlier this week a New Jersey judge ruled that the parents of Rachel Canning would not be forced to pay the girl’s high school and college tuition, as well as supplying a stipend. With the ruling came the sighs of hundreds of UNC administrators who had thought they finally found the solution to rising tuition prices.