The committee hosted the first of two open forums Wednesday for faculty input on the University’s efforts to repair the damage from an athletic scandal that has lasted almost four years. The committee will hold another forum today at 9:30 a.m.
Some faculty remain skeptical of the committee’s efforts, including history professor Harry Watson .
“You’ve set up a mandate for cheating,” he said.
Watson and others said it was a mistake to focus on individual athlete literacy statistics because it caused the University to lose sight of larger issues facing student athletes.
“Our international reputation is in utter tatters because we have focused on trashing the reputation of a whistleblower,” Watson said in reference to former learning specialist Mary Willingham.
He said the athletic department is still not being held accountable.
“Are you prepared to advise the chancellor that we have an authentic athletic problem, not merely an academic problem?” he asked the committee.
History professor Lloyd Kramer said he agrees the literacy test data was a distraction, but Willingham’s contributions had value.