If it was not for 8 a.m. classes, I would not have been able to complete my degree. I had to work full time and go to school after my night shift.
Those 8 a.m. classes were to me and my family an opportunity to improve our financial future.
If the writer of the April 11 letter to the editor had thought a little more, he would have realized that one does not have to sign up for an 8 a.m. class.
There are multiple times for most classes throughout the registration period, although one does need to get up before noon to sign up for those later classes.
If he believes strongly that 8 a.m. classes are not in the best interest of most students, maybe he should start a petition drive and find out if the majority of students feel the same way.
He then should then present his findings to the board and make his request with those signatures to support his opinion.
He could and should suggest that more of the later classes be added and reduce the number of 8 a.m. classes.