I have no illusions about “ObamaCare.” In fact, yesterday’s editorial cartoon on recent sign-ups for the Affordable Care Act got things exactly backwards. Rather than the metaphorical goal posts being lowered to some easy level, it seems that the distance between goal posts was reduced. So to me, that says that achieving these early successes were that much harder to accomplish.
Apparently, there are some who thought this whole process would be a walk in the park.
But let’s be honest — despite near constant misinformation campaigns out there, more than 7.1 million Americans signed up for private health care plans. Despite opposition from some in Congress and in-state legislatures across the country, millions more people obtained coverage through their parents’ plans, Medicaid, etc. Despite an imperfect law, many lives have been made more perfect.
Context matters. That’s why in the last few months, America has reduced the ranks of the uninsured by more than anytime in the last half century. I hope that everyone can recognize an incredible feat when they see one, especially since it took more than a few presidents (and congresses for that matter) of any political party to get something done. That’s why recent polls are beginning to show more Americans approving of the law’s benefits.
The law may not be a homerun. The reforms may not be a touchdown. The rollout may not have been smooth sailing. But I think we can all argue that many of our fellow citizens have more economic security than they’ve had in years. And I completely support that development.
Melvin McDermott III
Chapel Hill, N.C.