The UNC Injury Prevention Research Center applied for the award in the fall of 2013 and received the grant Aug. 1.
The injury center selected four projects that can have an impact on public safety out of about 24 contenders to be included in its proposal, said Steve Marshall, director of the injury center.
“Our theme was to do great research and put it in the hands of people so (the research) can make a difference,” Marshall said.
Kevin Guskiewicz, senior associate dean for the natural sciences, and co-principal investigator Jason Mihalik will research safe high school football tackling practices and present their results at high schools in a three-year program, said Guskiewicz, who has previously received CDC funding to research sports injuries.
“This time, I think they viewed this as a unique extension of our ongoing work,” Guskiewicz said.
Another three-year program is being led by Laura Linnan, director of the Carolina Collaborative for Research on Work and Health. Linnan’s project, called Beauty is a Balancing Act, will use beauty salons and barber shops to distribute information about injuries from falls and preventative programs.
Linnan believes that spreading information to customers will encourage them to attend fall prevention clinics.
“We know if we get them to participate, it can help them,” she said.