“The comedy isn’t centered around being a member of the LGBT community,” said Robbie Wiggins, a member of Three Dollar Bill. “It just showcases the normalcy of the community.”
Along with being the first LGBTQ-themed show the group has done, tonight’s show at DSI Comedy Theater also marks the reunion of Three Dollar Bill, which has been performing off-and-on throughout the past two years.
Formed about three years ago by five gay comedians at DSI, Three Dollar Bill is now made up of seven comedians who are all a part of the LGBTQ community.
“You get excited about every show that you do, but this show’s kind of got that Pride feel to it,” said Brandon Holmes, who has been with Three Dollar Bill since it first formed. “Everything at (N.C.)Pride just feels more fun and festive.”
When DSI moved to Chapel Hill in May, the management team decided to expand their scheduling from three nights a week to five nights. DSI associate artistic director Ashley Melzer said with the expansion, DSI wanted to have Three Dollar Bill back on a more consistent basis.
“We wanted this to be a show that was about personal identity,” she said. “It’s just about these people who are who they are and are proud of it.”