The nominations to re-appoint sophomore Sam Pranikoff and graduate student David Goldberg were debated and then tabled amid questions about the committee’s freedom to appropriate money to a for-profit organization.
Student Body Vice President Kyle Villemain introduced the Executive Branch’s four new nominees to the Safety and Security Committee.
“I think that a lot of the committee’s troubles have stemmed from a lack of clear procedures and transparency,” Villemain said.
“I think this is an opportunity to reset and think about what Safety and Security’s role should be on campus and move on from the events of the last six months.”
Two nominees, Andrew Wood and Francesca Gines were appointed without debate.
Pranikoff and Goldberg will have their nominations reexamined after new guidelines are set to clearly outline the power of the Safety and Security Committee, so confusion over the group’s ability to appropriate money does not reoccur.
Members of Student Congress expressed concern about the roles Pranikoff and Goldberg played on the Safety and Security Committee in 2013, when the committee allowed $15,000 from student fees to be allocated to Buzz Rides, the for-profit company that gives students free rides to their off-campus homes from Franklin Street. Buzz Rides makes most of its money from advertising on its vehicles.
“I am against any scenario where student fees can be put toward any for-profit organization. I want to make sure that it’s taken care of so student fees, in Safety and Security Committee or otherwise, can’t be put toward for-profit organizations,” said Ivy Hardy, speaker of Student Congress. “This type of thing is not in the spirit of the Code.”