Drew Goins (who almost wrote this week’s column as Rita Balaban) and Kelsey Weekman (who never took a class with Balaban, but deeply respects her nevertheless) are “You Asked for It,” a column in which the two experts give you their rarely helpful advice. Results may vary.
You: What shoes should I wear around campus?
YAFI: As temperatures rise throughout the day, you can shed your North Face, but you’d better leave your shoes on unless you’re aiming for “Boho Chic” or “Hip Hobbit.”
Try Toms. You’ll look socially conscious, but when it rains (or if you have to traverse a swath of seashells) on the way to your Teach For America interest meeting, you’ll long for those mesh waterproof shoes you wore on the beach as a kid if you were a weenie.
Maybe consider Chacos. If you click your heels together twice, a trail of granola will lead you to a roost of ENO hammocks, but that won’t protect your toes from frostbite.
With combat boots, tripping on bricks won’t be a problem, but you might destroy everything in your path — overambitious publicity directors, wayward squirrels, etc.
Crocs are always an option. Sure, you’ll look like you just came from gardening with your grandkids, but you’ll have great arch support and, in water resistance, they’re second only to the beach weenie shoes.