District 6 representative David Joyner began the hearing by expressing his disappointment in the low turnout.
“As you guys know, I was one of the people who wanted to have this hearing so we could discuss and have students share their opinions,” Joyner said. “But no one came.”
Debate on redistricting lasted several minutes before the hearing ended.
The committee discussed three bills during the meeting: one about hardship parking, which passed without prejudice; one requiring all members of Student Congress to get One Act trained, which also passed without prejudice; and one about an assistance fund for survivors of sexual assault, which passed favorably.
Kyle Villemain, student body vice president, introduced the hardship parking bill.
“Hardship parking is a pretty awful process right now at UNC,” Villemain said. “It’s fairly outdated and fairly cumbersome, and it doesn’t work all that well.”
Currently, hardship parking is available for students who have medical, family or extracurricular reasons for needing a parking permit.
The spaces are allocated by the hardship parking committee, a group of seven students.