v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
The one time of year when humanities students all use our algebra skills — to calculate the minimum exam grade needed to pass.
To Dissection Haters: If I were a cadaver and I didn’t have at least one student cut out my heart, hold it above their head, and chant “Kali Ma Shakti De,” I would feel disrespected.
A Taylor Swift ode to course evaluations: “I Wish You Wouldn’t”
Wait, we have exams? My N.C. State friend assured me we wouldn’t!
Currently using my textbooks to trap a rat, so I’d say exam season is off to a good start.
During my senior year at Carolina, I’ve spent more face-to-face time with my Toppers delivery driver than with my professors.
Mammoth Monday at the Student Stores: The only day of the year when you don’t have to take out another student loan to buy their stuff.