The information age has had a bit of an unexpected effect on large organizations: forced transparency.
That is, whether companies like it or not, shady actions come to light (and stay there on the internet forever).
Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks are famous examples of this, and organizational conspiracies make it to the front page of Reddit every other day. It’s trendy to bring deep, dark secrets to light. As the information age progresses, ethics will become less an issue of public relations — it will become more necessary for companies to actually be ethical.
The Mormon Church itself released documents admitting that its founder had 40 wives; the CIA has torture reports going through the Senate; the UK police are only beginning to uncover VIP pedophilia rings from the ’70s and ’80s. The Koch Brothers are starting to get into good causes by funding reforms of the criminal justice system, undoubtedly hoping to combat the fact that a Google search sometimes suggests “evil” right after “Koch Brothers.”