Triangle ArtWorks, a nonprofit that promotes collaboration in the Triangle’s creative community, moved into the park’s new building — The Frontier — to push the effort.
The nonprofit will host an open house tonight inviting artists into the space.
“We know that the typical stereotype of the RTP is a bit corporate and old fashioned,” said Jacob Newbauer, community coordinator at RTP. “We’re trying to address this head-on by trying to create opportunities for people to do something very forward-thinking rather than typical work in a big corporate building from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then go home.”
RTP is home to more than 190 research companies and big corporations, including IBM and Credit Suisse. But the scientists and engineers have double lives too — Newbauer said many of them are creative people who practice art.
“They feel like to be creative and practice their art they have to go outside of RTP,” he said. “They shouldn’t need to leave the RTP to channel their creativity.”
Beth Yerxa, executive director of Triangle ArtWorks, approached RTP about merging fields to foster innovation.
“There is a global movement to bring science, technology and arts together,” she said. “If this is happening around the country and the world, then it should be happening in RTP.”
The organization will have its first office in The Frontier, along with a community space where it can bring together artists across disciplines in the Triangle.