Coach. Father. Genius. Champion. Democrat.
The last title was not the hall-of-famer’s defining trait, but it was notable as the former coach helped integrate UNC, endorsed the presidential campaigns of Howard Dean, Bill Bradley and Barack Obama and spoke his mind on many political issues throughout his career.
“He was active and vocal and had an opinion about very important issues,” said Matthew Andrews, who teaches American and sports history at UNC.
Andrews said Smith’s outspoken political views differentiate him from his coaching peers, many of whom shied away from politics.
In 2006, Smith appeared in an ad for the grassroots political group known as the Devout Democrats.
“I’m a lifelong Baptist and vote for Democrats,” Smith said in the newspaper ad. “One reason? Democrats are serious about alleviating poverty.”
While Smith endorsed winning candidates in his life, one of his most notable political stories involves a candidate who lost.
In 1990, former Charlotte Mayor and Democrat Harvey Gantt was running against Republican incumbent Jesse Helms to be one of North Carolina’s U.S. senators.