Though I generally stay out of campus politics, I felt compelled to respond to this paper’s editorial of Feb. 10. Its criticism of a student body president candidate’s campaign slogan “One Carolina” suggested a worrying lack of appreciation for the importance of togetherness.
I think back to the release of the Wainstein report on Oct. 22. I took the issue very personally and struggled to wrap my head around what it would mean for my education. That evening, hundreds of students gathered at a meeting with Chancellor Folt and members of the administration who opened the floor to address student questions. There was one particular person whose question struck me; he asked what specific steps the chancellor, provost, athletic director and the rest of administration were going to take in order to ensure that every student who comes to Carolina is guaranteed an exceptional education.
I didn’t know Houston Summers at the time, but when he began his campaign, I immediately recognized him. To me, he was someone who genuinely cared not only about those affected by the report, but about every student that will ever have the opportunity to attend Carolina.
The One Carolina that Houston envisions is not one that provides for “interests of the dominant majority while neglecting marginalized voices,” but one where students from all backgrounds are drawn together by a common goal: bettering Carolina.
This call is essential, especially now in the wake of tragedy. Carolina must stand together, as one, to oppose hate.
Priya Patel