Barely two months into 2015, we have faced so much tragedy. We lost Stuart Scott, an inspirational man who stayed dedicated to the Carolina Way in spite of his battle with cancer. We lost Dean Smith who was a pioneer and giant, a man who took his dedication to greatness off the basketball court and into making the world a better place.
Now, we’ve lost Deah, Yusor and Razan, who, by all accounts, were incredible people. Their loss highlights the fact that no matter if we are Tar Heels, Blue Devils, or part of the Wolfpack — we are all North Carolinians. It is on us to honor their memories by living our lives to the fullest. Honor the Carolina Way for Stuart and Dean, and use your skills for good the way Deah, Yusor and Razan did. I hope in the coming months we can all continue to honor them through our words and actions.
Murphy Donohue
History and political science