Construction will cause changes to parking and traffic patterns beginning this month around the shopping center, located off East Franklin Street.
A new development, the Village Plaza Apartments, will be built on South Elliott Road, next to the center.
In an early phase of construction, a fence will surround the apartment site, which is currently a parking lot between the ABC Store and the building that used to house the Red Hot and Blue restaurant.
“There will be a little bit of a mess and some discomfort associated with parking and traversing the parking lot for about six weeks while we take down the antiquated and unsightly former Red Hot and Blue barbecue building,” said Jay Kanik, property manager for Regency Centers — the company that owns and manages Village Plaza.
He expects the building to be gone by next week.
After demolition, the lot will provide 40 temporary parking spaces until the new garage for the apartments is complete.
“Once that temporary parking field is in place and available to customers we think that will go a long way to help easing the congestion associated with the construction,” Kanik said.
Regency Centers, East-West Partners — the Village Plaza Apartments developer — and the town of Chapel Hill have been working together to provide as many temporary parking spaces as possible.