Know that churning feeling of dread that arises in the pit of your stomach when looking over student bills? Our generation of college graduates is set to accrue the most debt in U.S. history.
According to the Huffington Post, the average starting wage has decreased by 10 percent since 2000, but student debt has increased by 500 percent since 1999.
And as many underpaid adjunct faculty members can attest to, 43 percent of low-wage workers have at least some college education, a degree or even an advanced degree.
But we deserve more, and we can win a better life for us all.
Workers across the country have embarked on an exciting and dynamic movement to revolutionize employee treatment. What started off as a few hundred brave fast food workers challenging models of economic inequality has turned into a global movement demanding a future where human rights mirror employee rights.
I’m joining the Fight for $15 because if we don’t get organized and fight for a change, we agree to a future of poverty wages, irregular work hours and crushing debt for ourselves and for generations to come.