The Daily Tar Heel editorial from Feb. 27 on the Federal Communications Commission’s recent power grab further cements the publication’s reputation as a blatantly partisan mouthpiece. Views opposing “net neutrality” were never once mentioned.
Considering that the FCC has refused to testify before Congress about its plans or to release its proposed regulations to the public, the fact that the FCC justifies its actions as defending openness is quite ironic and exemplifies the smug arrogance and hypocrisy of D.C.’s bureaucratic class.
Anyone who thinks the FCC will ensure an “open” internet ought be reminded that this is the same bureaucracy that censors television content.
The FCC rules will mean that provision of internet service will cater to the whims of bureaucrats and regulators, rather than consumers and market demand.
Because internet infrastructure is scarce, there can be no “neutral” allocation of broadband. Regarding “fast lanes,” the analogy of grocery store shelf space is apt: less demanded goods like canned preserves are still sold, but they are not displayed as prominently as goods more heavily demanded by consumers.
Would grocery stores be more fair or “neutral” if the government mandated that less demanded items like ramen noodles be given equally lucrative shelf space as popular items like beer or produce? The relatively free market in information technology has produced an explosion of innovation and improvements in the last few decades, lowering prices and increasing access. It can only be hoped that this progress will not be quashed by government malfeasance.
Zach Rachuba