The only travesty is that Gene Nichol and his wife were allowed to gobble up millions of dollars of funds that should have gone to students or the needy. I got out of Rotary because of that clown and the Rotary having him speak in a Luther Hodges Ethics luncheon, which costs $45.
I wrote a letter that was published in the DTH last fall asking how many hours did he spend writing hate letters to the legislature, just as he did at William & Mary before he was run out of town on rails.
He is one of two reasons I got out of the University Presbyterian Church, when they invited him to speak to my Sunday school class. Of course, his speech was slamming the legislature, blaming them for North Carolina’s poverty.
Maybe you ought to Google him: The McClacky newspapers love him and publish all his hate letters. He forced a cross to be removed from that cathedral at William & Mary. My letter questioned how many hours did he actually teach, and how many millions he and his wife have siphoned off from the University in the name of poverty. He probably spent more time engaged in party politics, many times with Bully Bill Barber, who heads the state NAACP, than he did at teaching.
He is a big wind bag who I would love to debate some time. My letter suggested he simply stop siphoning money from the University and students and get out and run for office. Let the voters decide if that is what and who they want in politics vacuuming millions from college students and those in real poverty.
The University has enough problems now without this clown taking them down the drain.
Good riddance.
I will be glad to pay his filing fee for whatever office that may inspire him.