Working for political change involves long, difficult struggles made more so by the buying of influence in politics. That’s why ending the corruption of big money in our government must be our first task.
Currently, corporate behemoths like Chevron, Verizon Wireless, Lockheed Martin, and even companies owned by the Koch brothers profit from the procurement of taxpayer subsidized contracts.
The problem is that these corporations can secretly spend unlimited amounts of money to elect and re-elect the same lawmakers responsible for awarding them those same contracts, in a profitable pay-to-play cycle of corruption. The losers are the American taxpayers.
Not being publicly acknowledged in Congress, this issue cries out for the President to take bold action in addressing this serious flaw in our political system. With a pen stroke, the President can shine light on crony capitalism by requiring corporations to disclose the extent of their political spending as part of the procurement process.
On April 2, join me, your neighbors, and others across our country as we publicly rally to bring broader attention to this issue and to encourage the President’s action on it.
Come out on Thursday April 2 from noon to 2 p.m. to Durham’s main post office at 323 E. Chapel Hill St. in Durham to raise your voice in encouraging the President to battle entrenched corporate interests that are eroding our democracy.