The world of sports and the emotions it brings to the surface are fascinating.
News breaks of a college player deciding he wants to be justly compensated for his talents, and immediately there are hundreds of adults attacking the decision-making abilities of a kid who was born after the critics graduated from college.
So while we all love to pick on J.P. Tokoto and his choice to enter the NBA draft, we need to appreciate what we had and acknowledge why he made the decision.
For me, J.P. was the most fun player to watch on UNC for the past three years.
I feel the players who arrived at UNC at the same time as the class of 2016 have grown up with us. We saw Marcus Paige become one of the best players in the NCAA and Brice Johnson learn to dominate. We’ve learned to love the celebrations of the incomparable Joel James.
But it was J.P. who most closely resembled us.
Much like many of us, he was unsure of his abilities his first year before blossoming — with the natural growing pains that we have all dealt with — as he figured out his role in a constantly changing puzzle.
We celebrated every incredible dunk and bemoaned every mental lapse the same way we high-five ourselves when we crush a test and self-loathe when we leave a paper until the last minute.