The Daily Tar Heel should not have published Ishmael Bishop’s column on April 1.
Ignoring the topic of race, ignoring Bishop’s constantly criticized column and ignoring the previous disputes surrounding him, that column alone contained little relevance expected from this newspaper and intentionally ostracized the majority of the DTH’s audience.
I am referring to two lines in particular. Bishop directly states that he never intended to write for white people, which is inflammatory in its own right. It also states that offended readers should “claim their prize of ignorance and hate at the door.”
Bishop clearly tells his white audience that they are irrelevant, and he has received negative criticism from all others for comparing his personal situation to Trayvon Martin. This gives every reader a right to complain, and I hope this does not reflect the views of the DTH on whole.
The article had no relevance to current events and lacked all forms of support from its readers. Boiled down, this article is purely Bishop’s point of view, experience and complaints; it has nothing to do with any aspect of UNC.
The DTH is simply not a space for its writers to complain about personal issues. Combined with the anger-fueled hate comments, I really expect better from the DTH’s choice in columns next time.
Zachary Overdorf