This year, I had the tremendous honor of serving as student body chief justice. In that role, I was able to help select this year’s executive branch officers, and, with the rest of the court, resolve a conflict involving the law school’s elections (though I was unable to participate in the hearing), and improve the supreme court’s website. I greatly enjoyed my time on the court. However, my time on the court is coming to an end. I graduate in May.
Another justice, one much more deserving of recognition, will also be graduating and leaving the court. You see, while I was only on the court a year, this justice devoted most of his time at Carolina to serving the student supreme court.
Brian Phillips, who will graduate from UNC’s School of Law in May, has served as a justice on the student supreme court since junior year of his time as an undergraduate at UNC. He has spent five years on the bench. Brian has been the most senior justice for some time — meaning when the office of chief justice was vacated, he had to step up. He did so with enthusiasm – leading the court through a case last summer without a chief justice. Moreover, as a law student, he was willing to help undergraduate members of the court — like me — improve their legal writing skills.
Student government is often transitory – most offices have a one-year term limit. Brian has devoted many years and much of his time at Carolina to serving student government. For that, he deserves special recognition.
South A. Moore
Chief Justice
Student Supreme Court