Four years ago as first-years in the Young Democrats, we met Lee Storrow. We were immediately impressed by his intelligence, his kindness and his determination to work for a better Chapel Hill.
In the years since, Lee has been a mentor, an inspiration, an unwavering advocate for public health causes at the legislature in his full time job, an excellent town councilman and a friend. That’s why it gives us great pleasure to endorse Lee for reelection to the Chapel Hill Town Council in November.
We also encourage students to get involved in his campaign — getting involved is a great opportunity to learn about Chapel Hill, gain political experience and work for an important cause.
Finally, we would like to remind students that if you move to a new location for the fall semester, you must update your voter registration or reregister to vote to cast a ballot in the 2015 municipal elections.
As a member of the Town Council, Lee has set a new bar for engaging with the student body. From holding office hours in the Student Union to ensuring that students and young professionals — including recent graduates — serve on the town’s boards and commissions, he has more than lived up to the promise he made to fight for students. We are particularly proud of his leadership in securing an early voting site for UNC students at N.C. Hillel last fall.
Lee has also worked to champion the underserved communities of Chapel Hill, particularly the Rogers Road neighborhood. With a second term on Town Council, Lee can continue to be a voice for communities in Chapel Hill that are too often unrepresented in town policymaking.
The next four years will be challenging ones for North Carolina and for Chapel Hill. Students face uncertainty from their University and hostility from their state government in Raleigh.
Chapel Hill residents live in one of the most expensive communities in North Carolina — a community that is becoming increasingly unaffordable for low income workers and students. Lee offers pragmatic leadership and a proven ability to solve problems on the local level. We encourage every student to support Lee this fall.