As a priest in God’s church, I was horrified to hear of Matthew Fenner’s experience in a church he originally saw as sanctuary and refuge.
His fortitude and courage in the midst of his experience is moving and a testament to his faith that God is bigger than the pathology and twisted theology of some who think God is on their side and their actions immune to prosecution.
The photograph of Matthew in The Daily Tar Heel was taken at the Chapel of the Cross, where I serve as chaplain to UNC students and faculty.
Chapel of the Cross has a longterm history of being an open and affirming community where all are God’s children, no exceptions. It has been a place of healing and wholeness for many.
It seems to me that love is in short supply in this world, and I cannot imagine why God would care who someone loves —only that they do.
Rev. Tambria E. Lee
Chapel of the Cross
Chapel Hill