At least that’s how Whelan, a prima ballerina, describes “Restless Creature,” the show she will perform at Memorial Hall tonight.
Although she is hailed as America’s greatest contemporary ballerina by The New York Times, Whelan will not be wearing her ballet slippers during “Restless Creature.”
Instead, she will be mostly barefoot as she presents her first departure from ballet to venture into the world of contemporary and modern dance.
“It’s a study of ‘What the hell is gonna happen?’” Whelan said.
The performance piece is also the first that Whelan created herself from the bottom up, and performing it in Chapel Hill is something that means a great deal to the prima ballerina.
“This performance was born here,” Whelan said.
As co-commissioner of the project, Emil Kang, Carolina Performing Arts’ executive director for the arts, allowed Whelan and her team to work out the stage and theatrical elements of the show.
“He believed in it before we even made our first step.”