The exhibition features 13 artists who brainstormed and collaborated on a show theme in their senior art seminar.
“It’s dealing a lot with where we are as a generation,” said senior Cailey Follet, whose work will be displayed in the exhibition. “We have so many different works, so it was really very much a personal thing about how we see our personal identity as artists, starting with college and coming up into our careers.”
Jenna Leigh Rdesinski, whose art will also be showcased, said she thought the broad theme would draw a diverse crowd to the event.
“Though the subject matter of ‘Can I See Your ID?’ might hit more close to home with young adults, I believe people of all ages, all backgrounds, all walks of life will be able to appreciate the work,” she said.
Follet said she focused on an important aspect of both her past and her work as an American studies minor at UNC.
“I study a lot about violence toward women historically and currently, and that’s what I focus on,” she said. “Violence happens toward so many people now that it’s something that needs to be talked about more, and since I have experience, I feel I can at least share a little bit.”
Senior artist Jack Twiddy also said he focused his work on topics he discussed at UNC. In addition to art, Twiddy majors in philosophy and incorporated that research into his showcase pieces.
“A lot of the work I’ve done in that realm has to do with things like radical life extension,” he said. “I’m a proponent for that kind of research, and I’ve done a lot of work on the ethics of that and also general strategies to achieve that kind of thing, and I’ve been trying to find a way to kind of center those around my artwork.”