v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Rush Tip: Have fun, ask questions and be a white, heterosexual from Charlotte, Greensboro or Raleigh.
Recitation sections seem less like class and more like graduate TAs explaining to me that I can call them by their first name, they are not a professor yet, they’re just “Kyle, you can call me Kyle.”
To all the freshmen buying their textbooks in the student store: IT’S A TRAP.
The only thing worse than freshmen wearing lanyards: upperclassmen complaining about it nonstop.
“I’m a senior, who the f**k are you?” Oh, a student who expected a better 2016 slogan? Makes sense.
To the girl ordering her book next to me in class: It always makes me feel better to know my classmates haven’t read the book either.
Top of Lenoir is now serving brunch as part of their push to appeal to millennials. They also asked if we were into the new Jamie XX, which they think is “really chill.”