Wednesday, a cartoon depicting Chancellor Folt painting over issues that our University has been consistently addressing was published. In no way are these minor issues.
However, the cartoon is a blatant mischaracterization of the magnitude of work hundreds of students, staff, faculty and administrators have done in past months to rectify these issues.
It is easy to highlight these problems; issues as complex as those presented cannot be solved overnight.
It takes time to diligently be part of a long-term, comprehensive solution. Students and staff have participated in numerous focus groups and initiatives around the issues depicted.
The administration’s support has been present every step of the way, and we do not believe that there has been any attempt to “paint over” these problems.
Despite recent events, our entire community has made great strides toward rectifying these shortcomings.
We all still have work to do. We urge you to be a part of the solution. More about how you can get involved in addressing these issues will be posted on our site in the coming days.
Houston Summers