Wednesday’s editorial (“Board of Governors must engage the public”) gave the inaccurate impression that the UNC Board of Governors has done little to solicit public input in our search for the next President of the UNC system or to define what we are looking for in potential candidates. As chair of the search process, I am writing on behalf of the board to provide fuller and more accurate information.
After the presidential search process got underway in April, the board’s Leadership Statement Committee gathered input from faculty, staff, students, alumni, boards of trustees, the military and others through four live-streamed regional public forums, an online survey completed by more than 4,300 individuals, a dedicated email address and many informal consultations.
Drawing on that extensive input, the committee then prepared a comprehensive leadership statement that has been approved by the board and is posted on the University’s website. The leadership statement captures the essential experiences, skills, characteristics, and values considered necessary for the next UNC system president’s success.
Appendices to the report — also posted on the website — provide complete survey results and all open-ended responses sorted by stakeholder group, along with full transcripts of the regional inputs sessions held in Asheville, Greenville, Durham and Charlotte.
Members of the board share a deep love of the University and a strong commitment to finding a bold, innovative leader with the necessary skills to manage our University system through a time of significant change. We also are determined to continue building on the tradition of excellence that has always set the University of North Carolina apart.
Please continue to follow the progress of the presidential search on our website at
Joan G. MacNeill