The reputation of the University of North Carolina has declined dramatically in the last year since its football and men’s basketball programs have come under NCAA investigation.
Recently, there have been reports that the football coaches and basketball coaches are now telling recruits that they are not going to be penalized or their programs are not going to be affected by any NCAA sanctions.
My question is, “How do they know this when the NCAA has not made any rulings?”
These programs have had a bad smell for years, and now my fear is that the young Athletic Director is trying to pull the women’s basketball program into the situation.
I cannot sit by and allow this to happen without speaking up.
My conclusion, along with many others I have talked to, is that they are using the women’s basketball as a scapegoat.
The plan seems to be to sacrifice the women’s basketball program in place of the men’s football and basketball programs. The University is allowing this because of the almighty dollar.
Coach Sylvia Hatchell has built women’s basketball to a state of national recognition, yet attempts are being made to destroy her good reputation in hopes of drawing attention away from the men’s athletic programs and the controversy surrounding them.