The Daily Tar Heel published an opinion article criticizing the lack of interdisciplinary focus at UNC. While the author’s viewpoint on the need for increased University inclusion of interdisciplinary study is valid, current and future efforts by the University must also be recognized.
As an interdisciplinary studies major myself, I have had the privilege to take advantage of a variety of cross-disciplinary initiatives at UNC. Specifically, my area of study, health and humanities, is largely working to expand this focus campuswide. I believe that the integration of interdisciplinary work in the field of health and humanities can be used as a model for cross-discipline education. One multidisciplinary health and humanities initiative I am involved in is English 690. This course provides me with the opportunity to understand and incorporate different perspectives into hands-on research with distinguished faculty across the University.
Interdisciplinary emphasis and collaboration is not restricted to the newly developed Health and Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Venue for Exploration lab. In fact, a university-wide task force, involving not only departments of the college of arts and sciences but also administrators and faculty from professional schools ranging from medicine to social work, has been established. The task force serves as a collaboration between various departments of the University to promote interdisciplinary study.
Beyond the realm of health and humanities, UNC has promoted interdisciplinary study through the diversity of general education requirements. While these courses serve to expand students’ worldview and expose them to new subjects, they do not encourage students to embrace a more thoughtful, integrated course of study. To ensure that all students are receiving the benefit of interdisciplinary study, student majors must incorporate related courses and material from outside disciplines.
Another effort to encourage cross-disciplinary education is Arts@TheCore, an initiative brought about by Carolina Performing Arts. University officials hope to expand the mission of Arts@TheCore — to intersect performing arts and academics — by investing $5 million in a new performing arts center called the Core at Carolina Square.
Furthermore, the campuswide interdisciplinary effort is represented by the campus theme, “Food for All.” This initiative is steered by a multidisciplinary committee that encourages departments across the University to collaborate in learning about and improving food access.
The above examples are restricted to initiatives I have been exposed to as an undergraduate student.
While there is an apparent need for increased interdisciplinary promotion at UNC, current opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning should be known.