On Sept. 20, The Daily Tar Heel published an article on why the editor had decided to begin using gender-neutral language in its stories. We were glad to see that The Daily Tar Heel had finally chosen to adopt the 2009 UNC policy on gender-inclusive language, specifying that gender-inclusive terms (such as “first-year student”) should be used on all University documents, websites and policies.
But we are surprised that this article has not appeared in the print edition. Many students read the newspaper as they walk to class, wait for the bus or eat lunch. Did the editors think that this policy change wasn’t important enough to put in print? After years of petitions, marches and countless letters to the editor in the name of adopting gender-neutral generics, we expected to find the article in hard copy.
We encourage the editors to include the article on “Why we’ve decided to switch to gender-neutral terms this year” in the next print issue of the newspaper. This long-anticipated policy change deserves as wide a readership as possible.
Amanda Kubic
Comparative literature and classics
Callie Wallace