Please explain to me why at one of the best public universities in the country and one of the highest cohorts of educated people in the world, we are still so divided by race at UNC.
Explain to me why when the #SayHerName vigil on campus occurred, the participants were almost exclusively people of color.
Explain to me why people feel the need to ask me if I am Latina every time I pass out fliers for the Carolina Hispanic Association in the Pit.
Explain to me why thousands of UNC students can participate in Holi Moli each year but are unwilling to attend an event to raise awareness about immigrant equality.
Explain to me why multicultural groups have so much difficulty supporting one another in their efforts (which, might I add, are all fighting toward the same desired justice).
To anyone who might wonder this about me, I would like to respond:
I am white, but I refuse to let this color limit what I stand for. If there is a discussion regarding the recurring vandalization of Silent Sam, I want to be there. If there is an initiative to raise awareness about Muslim religion, I want to be informed. If campus groups organize a dialogue regarding the effect of affirmative action on Asian-American students, I want to participate. It matters that we fight, not only our own battles but also those of our peers, alongside them. Race is not ignorable.