For some students, trying to speak up while sitting in the back of a lecture hall with 200 other students can feel the same as doing so while sitting in the front of a classroom of 20.
Class participation is an integral aspect of education. It provides students an opportunity to hold a dialogue with their professor and fellow classmates. But participation can vary depending on one’s predisposition to speak in large-group settings, especially if those settings have traditionally been dominated by more vocal, often male, classmates.
Professors should spell out their participation policy in greater detail on their syllabuses so class expectations are clear. Professors should also look to expand small-group discussion, as well as use alternative mediums of communication, to encourage contributions from all students.
Facilitating small-group discussions allows students to take measured steps out of their comfort zones rather than being shoved out in the open and left struggling to get a word in. With more of an intentional effort to classify participation as more than raising one’s hand and speaking out loud, instructors can nurture a learning environment conducive to spirited discussions between opposing viewpoints that underscore the concept being taught.
Speaking in class does not always convey preparedness; requiring this particular type of participation on rubrics leads to points toward a final grade unearned or lost at the discretion of the professor. Without engagement guidelines that position everyone as equal in the space, rewarding people who speak often — and overlooking those who speak less — is common practice instead of critically examining the content of what students put forward.
It is narrow-minded to assume that people who do not regularly participate are to blame because of reserved personalities they simply cannot change.
Students could feel anxious about public speaking because they don’t like the pressure of being in the spotlight, or they might not feel completely confident in their English fluency. Some might hesitate because they believe their contributions would detract rather than further the conversation.
Professors should consider the wide range of reasons students do not always speak. Silence should not always be considered disengagement.
Without speaking, students can participate online in a forum before class or by Poll Everywhere during class. Students could use forums to develop discussion topics, pose questions for clarification and submit thoughtful responses others can view.