I am super curious to know how any person who is a student at this University can support and defend a Republican Party whose candidates, to be the leader of our country, have had quite a long and sorted record in the last six years of totally outlandish, un-Democratic, anti-women, anti-LGBTQ, anti-Science, anti-facts and anti-Liberal Arts or any other form of free public education?
As students at a public university that prides itself on diversity and tolerance, and as Americans who are supposed to do the same ... How is that?
How do you stand by, silent?
How do you stand by while people like Trump and Carson, your two current candidate leaders in the poll, say awful things almost daily about the poor, about women, about religions other than Christianity and about those of color?
How does any woman with any sense support any of these candidates?
I am 57 years old. I have seen many candidates and elections in my lifetime from all parties.
I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like what is going on now in our government and our political races. It is no longer important to be factual.
It is no longer important to be civil. The GOP debate, tell the truth people, was nothing but a bash-each-other-and-avoid-the-facts-and-real-policies show. Their debates basically are a reality show where we know facts aren’t important. Just drama is.