I strongly support Pam Hemminger for mayor. Having known her for more than 25 years, I trust Pam to know what is right and to do what is right for Chapel Hill. Pam’s commitment to our community and environmental stewardship have helped shape change in ways that are good for our town, county and region.
Pam and I first met at a Sierra Club function. Pam was a strong environmentalist then, and now, and has served in leadership roles in this club, the Triangle Land Conservancy, as well as many other community roles.
I admire Pam’s knowledge of air/water quality, and energy conservation.
Regionally, she is making a difference as chair of the Upper Neuse River Basin Association — a collaborative effort to address water quality and water resource planning for Orange, Durham, Wake and several other counties.
Additionally, because I am an avid bike rider, I appreciate her balanced support for all modes of transportation including biking and walking. Importantly, Pam understands the value of planning for a cohesive town and I am thrilled there is someone running for mayor that “gets it”. We are not ‘Sim City’, where you can add a seven story building here and there. Those decisions affect real people and they effect the character of Chapel Hill.
Pam Hemminger is smart, and a hard worker, and would be a great leader for Chapel Hill.
Kay Schlegel-Pratt
Chapel Hill