A lot of people look at endorsements when considering who they are going to vote for. While endorsements provide a valuable perspective, make sure you do your own research as you vote this year. For example, I was disappointed to see that Indy Week did not endorse two excellent candidates running for local office, Lee Storrow for Town Council and Margaret Samuels for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education.
Storrow has been a dedicated member of the Chapel Hill Town Council and been a champion for progressive issues. He’s been an advocate for the Rogers Road neighborhood, stood up for women’s health and rights and a leader to ensure we have an early voting site at UNC during elections.
Samuels is a former PTA council president and an advocate for children and families in her professional work with the Orange County Partnership for Young Children managing the early childhood state dollars for our community and OE Enterprises. Her experience and qualifications make her uniquely qualified to serve.
Regardless of who you’re voting for, make sure you do your own research, and don’t just rely on the Indy Week slate when you go to the ballot box.
Linda Foxworth
Chapel Hill