The task force, co-chaired by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Winston Crisp, history professor Jim Leloudis and American Indian Center Director Amy Locklear Hertel, was created in August to “share an accurate, accessible and complete history of the University,” according to an email they sent Tuesday.
But as of now, the task force has only these three members and they’ve only laid plans for taking action — plans they will present to the Board of Trustees today.
One of the challenges, Crisp said, is that the task force’s small size makes it more difficult to accomplish a great deal in a small time frame.
“Are we as far as I would have probably wanted us to be? I would say no. We can make no excuses about that,” he said.
Crisp said the task force’s focus so far has been making sure the policies the Board of Trustees wants to implement on campus can become a reality in the future.
“I think the vast majority of what the task force has done — and remember we’re talking about three people ... has been around organizing, making sure that we have fully understood how to translate the Board of Trustees’ resolutions into a list of things that have to be done,” Crisp said.
“You know, you don’t just take those resolutions and then dig in. You have to translate — what does all this actually mean in terms of what are the things that have to be done?”
Destinee Grove, president of the UNC chapter of the NAACP, said she hopes that in any actions the task force takes, it will make a commitment to being transparent about UNC’s history, especially with regard to racial issues from the University’s past and present.