You are wrong when it comes to charter schools. They are the best thing to have happened to our education system. Both my daughters graduated from one of the top 100 schools in the nation: Woods Charter, Chapel Hill, N.C. Thank you.
Parents know ahead of time that they do not cater to children with disabilities; parents and the administration don’t care what color you are, so long as you get a better education than what was offered in the public school system. There are no quotas, and there is plenty of the political slogan “diversity.”
Charters have put the pressure on union-run public education schools who under perform due to their “government controlled” guidelines and strict union guidelines. Take New York, for example.
By all means, let charters expand. The point that “white privileged” class seems to dominate enrollment is completely irrelevant. By the way, at Woods there was a great variety of whites and people of color (as you call them). Each and every one of those kids is treated with respect due to the fact that they were brought there for one reason: to realize their potential for excellence.
Paul Varre