UNC Walk for Health is proud to announce a special event that will serve as an educational service to foster the exchange of information.
In keeping with our objective to encourage youth participation in recreational activities, we are inviting Eton, one of the leading independent schools in the U.K., to play a basketball game against Chapel Hill High School to be held in the spring of 2016 in Chapel Hill, N.C. The U.S. Department of State has already endorsed this international sporting event because it provides an excellent example of sports diplomacy that strengthens ties between two countries’ peoples.
Our underlying premise is: all people make friends in school. People who have fun, play and talk together become closer to each other. By introducing children from different parts of the world to each other, we provide them with an unprecedented opportunity to begin lifelong friendships and acquaintances. Recreational activities, such as this U.K. vs. U.S. youth basketball game, make it possible for young people from distant places to explore and exchange ideas and learn that while they may be from different cultures and different countries, they’re not so different after all.
William Thorpe
UNC Walk for Health