The recent protester demands at the “town hall meeting” at UNC made my stomach turn. I don’t care what color you are, as a sophomore at UNC, it is not “your university.” It is my university. After you graduate, get a job and pay taxes for many years, it can become your university.
The list of “demands” identified in that meeting was completely ludicrous. If you really want change relative to racism or other injustices in the world, start with yourself. Generally, when you have earned people’s respect, you will get it.
As for Silent Sam, that stands for freedom from tyrants and as a tribute to both whites and former slaves in defense of those beliefs. He stands for OUR right to call our great university “The University of North Carolina” instead of Federal Instructional Institute #1. If that would be your choice, then, it can be your university. I would no longer want to call it mine.
Dudley Harrington
Class of ’68